A college degree has historically been the way to get a good job with middle-class wages. Unfortunately, too many college graduates today cannot find college level jobs with commensurate pay. And the impact is different for men and women.
Women now comprise nearly 60% of enrollment in universities and colleges. The disparity is even more pronounced in the Coachella Valley. At California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB) in Palm Desert, 66% of students are women. At College of the Desert (COD), 62% of students who graduate are women.
There are multiple reasons why men are not as likely to attend college, both cultural and economic, but one important reason is concerning: The return on investment for receiving a college degree has declined or turned negative, especially for men. Since 1980, college tuition and fees have risen five times faster than the Consumer Price Index. Although many students receive scholarships, 43.2 million student borrowers are in debt by an average of $39,351.
Government studies reveal over 40% of college graduates are underemployed in jobs that do not require a college degree or pay college level wages. In many cases, these graduates could have earned the same salary right of out of high school. For some STEM majors, underemployment is low, while it’s high for those with some other degrees.
College is a requirement to enter many professions such as teachers, lawyers, business and accounting executives, therapists, doctors and so on.
But realistically, men have many other options women often do not. Blue-collar jobs such as plumbers, electricians, construction workers, mechanics, painters, gardeners, chefs, firefighter, police and many more fields tend to be dominated by men. In California, the average salary of a blue-collar worker is $44,016. Many jobs yield even more income, like plumbers at $50,620 or electricians at $51,880.
Current average starting salaries for college graduates nationally is $55,260. Locally, it’s a different story. The starting salary of graduates with a bachelor’s degree from CSUSB is $37,000, and graduates with an AA degree from COD earn $28,000.
Graduates not only have debt they accumulated from college expenses, but they are years behind in experience and lost wages from the time spent going to college. When you look at the starting salaries of CSUSB and COD grads and compare them to blue-collar work, it is understandable why many men choose not to go to college.
Another deterrent: Most graduates of CSUSB or COD do not graduate “on time” if at all. Most CSUSB Palm Desert grads require five to six years to obtain a “four-year” bachelor’s degree. COD students take four years or more to get a two-year associate’s degree. If a student starts at COD and then transfers to CSUSB, it can take as many as seven years to receive a bachelor’s degree.
If a man can make $35,000 to $50,000 a year without a college degree, why spend five to seven years to get one?
There is even more of a wage gap six years later. Apprenticing in a field of his choice makes a man significantly more valuable by then. Graduating college with a major that does not prepare him for a career puts him far behind the person skipping college and having six years of work experience.
Educational Innovation
So, what is the solution to this poor return on investment of going to college for men?
Current programs take too long and cost too much. In addition to the direct college costs, there is the opportunity cost of lost wages and experience. The solutions are programs that are shorter, more flexible and less costly.
Combined Apprenticeship/College Degree: Recruit local companies to participate by hiring students and teaching them the business while they get their degree.
The 3-year Bachelor’s Degree: A 3-year bachelor’s degree would motivate more men to attend knowing they can finish quickly.
Online Hybrid Programs: Flexible online hybrid programs allow students to take courses at home and in the classroom while they work and get experience.
Certificate Programs for Entrepreneurs: Local small business owners need specialized training but have no time, money or inclination to get a degree. Colleges can offer business and other skills lessons taught in increments giving the person certificates in the subjects they need.
Many people, especially men, do not need college to have a successful career. Learning is a life-long process. Tomorrow’s jobs will require skills that don’t even exist yet. Therefore, even college graduates would benefit from the availability of these certificate programs.
Is it any wonder that the percentage of men going to college, especially locally, is so low? There are answers, but they are not the traditional college education.
Providing apprenticeship/college degrees, shortened time periods to graduate, flexible online hybrid classes, and certificates to working adults would motivate more men to benefit from college.
Edward Tauber is a member of the Advancement Board for the Palm Desert campus of Cal State San Bernardino.
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